Why Affiliate to ICCS?
An ICCS affiliate receives the right to use ICCS logo's to promote his Krav Maga club/school, as well the credibility of ICCS Krav maga organization behind him, including being listed on the main ICCS website.
Online Resources to help guide school owners and club leaders to develop a solid adult program.
A constantly evolving curriculum that’s taught Internationally and spear headed by Sharir Richman from Jerusalem, Israel.
Instructor Mastermind Group and Instructor Site to help with your schools development and keep up to date with current association events and training opportunities.
National Directors that lead from the front with industry best business practice to learn from to ultimately fill your mats with quality adult students.
A no drama approach to training and leadership, we lead by example. Bottom line, we want you to train and evolve with us.
Our curriculum is currently being deployed in specific IDF units today.
Internationally recognized Student and Instructor levels for retention and development or our affiliation.
Join an International Family That Trains Together! With International Events and Training Oppurtunities. ICCS dose everything in it's power to help your Krav Maga club/school grow!
An ICCS Affiliate must have at least one instructor in the club/school that started the ICCS instructor program.
Want To Learn More and Discover The Difference?

"The world's finest representation of Krav. The bar doesn't get much higher!"
- Michael Camhi